So, how am I doing? How is life in Cambodia? I am doing very well! And I am really enjoying life here on the other side of the world!
I am amazed at how normal my life seems after just a couple of months. I don't have a regular routine (and I may not for a couple more months!), but I feel like I'm settling into the Cambodian way of things. I'm continuing to take language classes; I'm learning my way around the city (and able to tell the drivers where to go!); and I'm starting to feel ease. I have yet to have a dramatic "culture shock" moment. Perhaps it will come still. (But I hope not!) I do feel homesick occasionally, but I've only cried myself to sleep one time! But really, I do miss my family and my friends and my church family and the many, many people who are so dear to me back home. I am so thankful for technology. We have pretty good internet at the office and at home, so I can use Skype, facebook, email, and this blog, to keep up with those so far away.
[Chilis drying in a field near a Wat (Buddhist temple)]
I feel like I am getting into the swings of things. I’m merging into my role as Interim Partnership Coordinator. I’m thankful for the gradual transition process. Right now the main focus for partnership is our summer volunteers. Our summer ESL (English as a Second Language) program began two weeks ago and will continue through the end of July. Groups of volunteers from our partner churches come for two weeks at a time to teach English to the WR staff. This is the fourth year of the program and it’s evident that this is a great opportunity for the volunteers and for the Cambodian staff. I have really enjoyed meeting and helping to host the diverse teams of volunteers while they are in Cambodia. The teams bring lots of energy and enthusiasm for the work of WR and for building relationships with staff members.
[Fun friends at the Hope staff retreat in May]
I get to be involved in ESL in my own way this summer by writing new curriculum for the advanced class! No, I was not an education major, nor have I ever formally taught ESL (or any other course!), but it needed to be done! I consider this an opportunity to take advantage of my internet resourcefulness. I hunt down grammar and writing lessons, find devotionals and stories, adapt exercises and games, and put it all together in a lesson format. I can’t promise that it’s anything remarkable, but as long as our staff are practicing their English and feeling at least a little bit challenged, I believe I have succeeded.
[Reviewing last years curriculum...and working on my own!]
Thank you so much for praying for me and missing me! My parents tell me often about friends from home who ask about me and say “hello!” It means so much to me. I feel so loved. And God is so good. He continues to confirm that Cambodia is exactly where I should be right now. I would appreciate your continued prayers for my future and clear direction from the Lord as to where he would want me next.
Please pray:
--For the summer ESL program: that WR staff and church partner volunteers would each be blessed and be a blessing. Pray that volunteers would gain a vision and passion for the work of WR Cambodia and take that back to their church families.
--For me as I continue to write lessons for the advanced ESL curriculum. Pray for diligence and joy for the work. I do enjoy it, but it’s a bit daunting and seems never-ending! Pray too that I will do a good job and create lessons that are helpful for the students and teachers.
--That I would hunger daily for God’s word and time with Him. I am excited about how God is using this time in my life. I desire to learn more about Him and what it means to live a life devoted to Christ.