Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Party for Prostitutes

Community Protection of Children (CPC) is a small arm of WR Cambodia that works to prevent human trafficking through education and community cooperation. The staff of CPC develop educational material about the dangers of human trafficking and the importance of sharing this knowledge. Children, parents, pastors, and village leaders need to be prepared and know how to ask the right questions when people come to the village offering jobs away from the community.

The Party for Prostitutes was held in partnership with Destiny Rescue in Kampong Cham province (northeast of Phnom Penh). Local prostitutes were invited to a very nice, catered lunch where they had the opportunity to hear about God's love for them. They received Bibles in the Cambodian language and silk sunflowers with a tag that read "Jesus is Hope." They played games, danced, and several girls won gift baskets from a raffle drawing. Staff members from Destiny Rescue made connections with the girls and encouraged them to contact Destiny Rescue if they wanted to learn how they could leave the life of prostitution.

My heart broke for these young women (who were mostly late-teens to early-20s). They were beautiful. They were kind. They were thankful. And, yet, there was no light in their eyes. Some of the girls brought their young children with them. The children will probably grow up within brothel walls. Will they ever know anything else?

When a woman loses her virginity out of wedlock, she is no longer considered worthy of marriage. She is then a disgrace to her family and loses all connection with them. The lunch provided at the party was similar to the meal that would be served at a wedding reception--each table was laden with a whole fish, seafood soup, lok lak (a beef dish), vegetables, fruit, and, of course, rice. This was definitely a special meal for these girls. They may never have their own wedding feast to share with friends and family. My prayer is that they may, one day, share in the marriage feast of Lamb!

For the Lord our God, the Almighty reigns.
Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory,
for the marriage of the Lamb has come,
and his Bride has made herself ready;
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright, and pure'--
...'Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.'"

--Revelation 19:6-9 ESV

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