Thursday, April 2, 2009

Going to Cambodia

I am so excited to tell you about my next adventure and invite you to
join me on the journey! I just created this blog specifically to share
about my time in Cambodia—what I'm thinking, learning, seeing, and
experiencing in my daily life and through my relationship with God.

So, here's the story…

I have been asked by College Park Church (my home church) to support
our partnership with World Relief Cambodia by serving as a volunteer
for eight months. I will work as the Interim Church Partnership
Coordinator to allow the current coordinator some time off to finish
her doctorate before returning to her job at the end of this year.
Everything has come together in the past month (pretty quickly) and I
plan to leave for Cambodia on April 21st—that's 3 weeks away!

How did I get here? I have been praying for a long while and seeking
the Lord about "what's next" for me and my lifelong adventure with
Him. Just a few months ago I said, "Lord, I'll go wherever you want!"
I went to India for 10 days and caught a glimpse of the amazing things
that God is doing in a country so different than any I have visited
before. God used the Vision Trip to India to open my spiritual eyes
and open my mind to where else He might like me to go.

I left India with Cambodia on my mind.

Cambodia? Southeast Asia? Really?? Okay, Lord. Here I am. Send me.

International relief and aid, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the
heart, is what World Relief is about. World Relief Cambodia's many
programs and ministries--like microfinance loans, human trafficking
prevention, and health education—are changing lives and opening the
doors for the Gospel. The ultimate goal is that these programs would
become entirely self-sustaining. Until then, there remains a need and
opportunity for those outside Cambodia to help them grow. As the
Interim Partnership Coordinator I will join this effort by:
communicating the process and needs of these programs with partnering
churches in the States, coordinating trips of churches and volunteers,
and assisting in the development of relationship building and

I covet your prayers as I prepare for and embark on this exciting and
humbling adventure! Thank you for your interest in my life and for
just reading about what God is doing in my life!

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